17 business ideas (that should exist!)

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Here are some businesses my co-host and I think should exist in the world.

They're free for you to run with :)

The Coupon Site w/ Discounts that Actually Work — We're all sick of wasting time hunting for that elusive functional promo code WordPress Plugin Cleanup Tool Affiliate Site that Shares Lower Cost Alternatives to Higher-End Furniture Self-Service College Consulting SimilarWeb for Podcasts — could we get a centralized database that estimates listenership for podcasts like SimilarWeb does for website traffic? Pep Talk for Kids Service a la Cameo Custom-Fitted Hats — we see this for shirts and jeans, why not hats? Volleyball Setting Machine Personalized, Science-Backed Wellness Service — I haven't had a primary care doctor since my pediatrician, but would be happy to invest in optimizing health in a personalized way Neighborhood Profit-Sharing Recycling Service Classpass for Golf — I'm thinking of a season's pass product like you see in skiing Plant Kennel — to keep your houseplants alive while you're on vacation Home Maintenance as a Productized Service — fixed monthly or annual fee to take care of a property Equitable Social Sharing Platform "Reverse Job Board" — instead of companies posting jobs, candidates post their skills and ideal roles Apocalypse Consultant — help people prepare for the worst Fractional Ownership of Cash Flowing Businesses — like private, private equity

Do some of these already exist in some shape or form?

Of course.

But that doesn't mean there isn't room for competition, innovation, or serving a different audience.

Big thanks to Steve Chou (MyWifeQuitHerJob.com) for helping put together this list and spitballing back and forth on The Side Hustle Show this week:

17 Business Ideas Free for the Taking!

On air and on that page we go into more detail on what each of those might look like in practice.

One simple framework to come up with business ideas of your own:

Look for pains, problems, or just little annoyances in your day. On the other side of those irritations might be a solution worth pursuing as a business.

After all, if it's a pain for you, it's probably a pain for others as well!